Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dak Son Massacre Essay

During the winter of 1967, the people of Dak Son village had no idea what was bound to transpire just mere weeks before Christmas. Unfortunately, when America said it would aid South Vietnam in their struggle to avoid and annihilate the opposing communist forces: North Vietnam and Viet Cong, they didn’t assume that such atrocities were even humanely possible during a war, which caught America more by surprise than they had expected, leaving them with no choice but to exhibit absolutely no mercy to their enemies. Thus, leaving the United States viewing the war as a way to prevent communist takeover and repeal the domino theory. So, we fast forward eight years into the war, long after both sides are seen to be nothing short of ruthless as well as practically nothing less than fearless. They seemed to be pretty evenly matched throughout quite possibly the longest, most grueling war Vietnam has ever gone through. Since the Viet Cong’s headquarters were based in the south, it gave them much more accuracy and success when planning any sort of attack because they see everything their opposition tries to hide. Eventually, the war ended up as a compilation of many, many massacres; Dak Son village being one of the of the few that had survivors give testimonies to the horrors they had to endure solely because they disagreed with communism and the possibility of this village helping some refugees of the Viet Cong escape leading them to reply with an outlandish act of complete and utter vengeance. This left the Viet Cong with no choice but to act upon the burning fiery fuchsia that is their anger. Two battalions of Viet Cong systematically killed 252 civilians with flame-throwers and grenades that week in December, a â€Å"vengeance† attack on a small hamlet less than a mile from the capital in Phuoc Long Province. Survivors of the December 6 attack said the VC (Viet Cong) shouted their intentions to â€Å"wipe out† the hamlet of Dak Son as they struck from the surrounding jungle. A local defense force of 54 men gave ground before the estimated 300 uniformed communists. The village wasn’t exactly prepared for this sort of uncalled for attack, leaving them in utter shambles upon the departure of the Viet Cong. According to the survivors, the VC (Viet Cong) ranged up and down the hamlet streets, systematically burning more than half the 150 thatched homes of the community. Two defenders were killed, four wounded and three are missing. Many of the victims were burned to death in their homes, others, who fled to underground shelters, died as flame-throwers with their napalm-based fuel, were directed into the small shelters. Other Viet Cong threw hand grenades into holes where families were covered. This was certainly a war where morals had no backup and the only thing that was relied upon was our selfish, animal instincts with how we deal the opposition who are our fellow human beings nonetheless.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cultural Change

Organization Culture And Change Organizational culture – a popular but also a very complex concept – has been identified as an influential factor affecting the successes and failures of organizational change efforts. Organizational culture could be looked at as the pattern of shared valued, beliefs and assumptions considered being the appropriate way to think and act within an organization (Schneider, 1985).In other words, culture: the pattern of shared values, beliefs and assumptions considered to be the appropriate way to think and act within an organization. – Culture is shared – Culture helps members solve problems – Culture is taught to newcomers – Culture strongly influences behavior Generally, this shared culture is invisible to the employees and their interpretations are viewed as something unique to the individual—their personal opinions.People tend to surround themselves with others of like opinions and values, thus reinforci ng their common beliefs and expectations. Where does organization culture come from? It comes from the Organization founder, vision and mission statement, past practices, Top management attitude and behavior and through socialization – the process that helps employees adapt to the organization’s culture more quickly and effectively.People/ Employees of the organization learn culture through stories, narratives of significant events or actions of people that convey the spirit of the organization, rituals, repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the values of the organization, material symbols, physical assets distinguishing the organization, language, acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word meanings specific to an organization. Keeling (1981, p. 8), who offers that culture refers to an individual’s â€Å"theory of what his fellows know, believe and mean, his theory of the code being followed, the game being played, in the society in to which he was born†. In a similar framework, Geertz (1973) views culture as a symbolic system (i. e. , shared codes of meaning) that reflects understandings shared by social actors. These definitions all imply that culture affects ways members think, feel, and act. According to Henry Mintzberg, â€Å"Culture is the soul of the organization — the beliefs and values, and how they are manifested.I think of the structure as the skeleton, and as the flesh and blood. And culture is the soul that holds the thing together and gives it life force. † There fore, culture is the social glue that helps and holds an organization together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say or do. People who have worked in different organizations agree that each organization is different from the other organization. Things are not done the same way in everywhere in the organization. Even businesses within the same industry can be quite different from each other.Th e difference is what management scholars call â€Å"organizational culture† or â€Å"corporate culture†. Therefore every organization has their own culture according to which they carry out their day-to-day activities and act and behave accordingly to it. Do Organizations have uniform culture? Schein (2009), Deal & Kennedy (2000), Kotter (1992) and many others state that organizations often have very differing cultures as well as subcultures. Dominant Culture: expresses the core values that are shared by a majority of the organization’s members.Subcultures: mini cultures within an organization, typically defined by department designations and geographical separation. Core Values: the primary or dominant values that are accepted throughout the organization. Strong Culture: a culture in which the core values are intensely held and widely shared. Organizational culture is therefore different from national culture or ethnic culture. The national culture in which the business is based can however have some influence on that business’s organizational culture. Smircich (1983) has analyzed different conceptions of organizational culture in relation to the anthropological schools.Organizational culture has been conceived either as a variable or as a root metaphor for conceptualizing organization. The studies can be divided into two areas; organizations have been regarded as cultures (‘is’ approach) or having a culture (‘has’ approach). It happens all too often. A company introduces changes with high expectations of improving performance. When the changes fail to take root and produce intended results, the unfulfilled hopes lead management to introduce other seemingly promising changes. These, too, ultimately fail.The sequence repeats—an unending cycle of high expectations followed by failure and, inevitably, frustration on the part of management and cynicism on the part of workers. There are several possible reasons for these failures. One key reason is that changes introduced fail to alter the fundamental psychology or ‘‘feel’’ of the organization to its members, it is this ‘‘feel’’ that directs and motivates employee efforts (Guzzo and Shea, 1992). Without changing this psychology, there can be no sustained change. The main point is: organizations have people in them; if the people do not change, there is no organizational change.Changes in hierarchy, technology, communication networks, and so forth are effective only to the degree that these structural changes are associated with changes in the psychology of employees. The primary mechanisms for both maintaining and changing an organization’s culture includes: 1. What managers pay attention to, measure and control? 2. The ways managers (particularly top management) react to critical incidents and organizational crises; 3. Managerial role modeling, teaching, and coaching; 4. T he criteria for allocating rewards and status; and . The criteria for recruitment, selection, promotion, and removal from the organization. Managers should expect to encounter difficulty in clearly understanding situations that involve change. Analyzing a change problem can become quite complex because of the large number of variables that must be considered since there’s no way to stop change from happening, there are several positive steps to make a change program successful, including opening channels of communication, developing a learning environment, and providing training.Even with open communication, careful planning, and extensive training, new program or idea may still meet with resistance. According to Schein, culture is the most difficult organizational attribute to change, outlasting organizational products, services, founders and leadership and all other physical attributes of the organization. His organizational model illuminates culture from the standpoint of the observer, described by three cognitive levels of organizational culture (Schein, 1992).Culture change may be necessary to reduce employee turnover, influence employee behavior, make improvements to the company, refocus the company objectives and/or rescale the organization, provide better customer service, and/or achieve specific company goals and results. Culture change is impacted by a number of elements, including the external environment and industry competitors, change in industry standards, technology changes, the size and nature of the workforce, and the organization’s history and management. 3-Step Model This is often cited as Lewin's key contribution to organizational change.However, it needs to be recognized that when he developed his 3-Step model Lewin was not thinking only of organizational issues. Nor did he intend it to be seen separately from the other three elements, which comprise his Planned approach to change (i. e. Field Theory, Group Dynamics and Acti on Research). Rather Lewin saw the four concepts as forming an integrated approach to analyzing, understanding and bringing about change at the group, organizational and societal levels. A successful change project, Lewin (1947a) argued, involved three steps: . Step 1: Unfreezing.Lewin believed that the stability of human behavior was based on a quasi-stationary equilibrium supported by a complex field of driving and restraining forces. He argued that the equilibrium need’s to be destabilized (unfrozen) before old behavior can be discarded (unlearnt) and new behavior successfully adopted. Given the type of issues that Lewin was addressing, as one would expect, he did not believe that change would be easy or that the same approach could be applied in all situations: The ‘unfreezing of the present level may involve quite different problems in different cases (Lewin, 1947a, p. 29). Enlarging on Lewin's ideas, (Schein (1996, p. 27) comments that the key to unfreezing Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ. .  . was to recognize that change, whether at the individual or group level, was a profound psychological dynamic process’. Schein (1996) identifies three processes necessary to achieve unfreezing: disconfirmation of the validity of the status quo, the induction of guilt or survival anxiety, and creating psychological safety. He argued that: ‘. .  . unless sufficient psychological safety is created, the disconfirming information will be denied or in other ways defended against, no survival anxiety will be felt. nd consequently, no change will take place’ (Schein, 1996, p. 61). In other words, those concerned have to feel safe from loss and humiliation before they can accept the new information and reject old behaviors. . Step 2: Moving. As Schein (1996, p. 62) notes, unfreezing is not an end in itself; it ‘. .  . creates motivation to learn but does not necessarily control or predict the direction’. This echoes Lewin's view that any attempt to predict or identify a specific outcome from Planned change is very difficult because of the complexity of the forces concerned.Instead, one should seek to take into account all the forces at work and identify and evaluate, on a trial and error basis, all the available options (Lewin, 1947a). However, as noted above, (Lewin (1947a) recognized that, without reinforcement, change could be short-lived. Step 3: Refreezing. This is the final step in the 3-Step model. Refreezing seeks to stabilize the group at a new quasi-stationary equilibrium in order to ensure that the new behaviors are relatively safe from regression.The main point about refreezing is that new behavior must be, to some degree, congruent with the rest of the behavior, personality and environment of the learner or it will simply lead to a new round of disconfirmation (Schein, 1996). This is why Lewin saw successful change as a group activity, because unless group norms and routines are also transformed, changes to ind ividual behavior will not be sustained. In organizational terms, refreezing often requires changes to organizational culture, norms, policies and practices (Cummings and Huse, 1989).It is more difficult to change the culture of an existing organization than to create a culture in a brand new organization. When an organizational culture is already established, people must unlearn the old values, assumptions, and behaviors before they can learn the new ones. The two most important elements for creating organizational cultural change are executive support and training. . Executive support: Executives in the organization must support the cultural change, and in ways beyond verbal support. They must show behavioral support for the cultural change. Executives must lead the change by changing their own behaviors.It is extremely important for executives to consistently support the change. Training: Culture change depends on behavior change. Members of the organization must clearly understan d what is expected of them, and must know how to actually do the new behaviors, once they have been defined. Training can be very useful in both communicating expectations and teaching new behaviors. Other components important in changing the culture of an organization are: Create value and belief statements: use employee focus groups, by department, to put the mission, vision, and values into words that state their impact on each employee's job.For one job, the employee stated: â€Å"I live the value of quality patient care by listening attentively whenever a patient speaks. † This exercise gives all employees a common understanding of the desired culture that actually reflects the actions they must commit to on their jobs. Practice effective communication: keeping all employees informed about the organizational culture change process ensures commitment and success. Telling employees what is expected of them is critical for effective organizational culture change.Review orga nizational structure: changing the physical structure of the company to align it with the desired organizational culture may be necessary. As an example, in a small company, four distinct business units competing for product, customers, and internal support resources, may not support the creation of an effective organizational culture. These units are unlikely to align to support the overall success of the business. Redesign organization approach to rewards and recognition: needs to change the reward system to encourage the behaviors vital to the desired organizational culture.Review all work systems such as employee promotions, pay practices, performance management, and employee selection to make sure they are aligned with the desired culture. Hofstede (1980) looked for global differences between over 100,000 of IBM's employees in 50 different countries and three regions of the world, in an attempt to find aspects of culture that might influence business behavior. He suggested abou t cultural differences existing in regions and nations, and the importance of international awareness and multiculturalism for the own cultural introspection.Cultural differences reflect differences in thinking and social action, and even in â€Å"mental programs†, a term Hofstede uses for predictable behavior. Hofstede relates culture to ethnic and regional groups, but also organizations, profession, family, to society and subcultural groups, national political systems and legislation, etc. Hofstede suggests of the need of changing â€Å"mental programs† with changing behavior first which will lead to value change and he suggests that however certain groups like Jews, Gypsies and Basques have maintained their identity through centuries without changing.Hofstede demonstrated that there are national and regional cultural groupings that affect the behavior of organizations and identified four dimensions of culture (later five in his study of national cultures: Power dist ance (Mauk Mulder, 1977) – Different societies find different solutions on social inequality. Although invisible, inside organizations power inequality of the â€Å"boss-subordinates relationships† is functional and according to Hofstede reflects the way inequality is addressed in the society. According to Mulder's Power Distance Reduction theory subordinates will try to reduce the power distance between themselves and their bosses and bosses will try to maintain or enlarge it†, but there is also a degree to which a society expects there to be differences in the levels of power. A high score suggests that there is an expectation that some individuals wield larger amounts of power than others. A low score reflects the view that all people should have equal rights. . Uncertainty avoidance is the coping with uncertainty about the future.Society copes with it with technology, law and religion (however different societies have different ways to addressing it), and acc ording to Hofstede organizations deal with it with technology, law and rituals or in two ways – rational and non-rational, where rituals being the non-rational. Hofstede listed as rituals the memos and reports, some parts of the accounting system, large part of the planning and control systems, and the nomination of experts. . Individualism vs. collectivism – disharmony of interests on personal and collective goals (Parsons and Shils, 1951).Hofstede brings that society's expectations of Individualism/ Collectivism will be reflected by the employee inside the organization. Collectivist societies will have more emotional dependence of members on their organizations, when in equilibrium – organization is expected to show responsibility on members. . Masculinity vs. femininity – reflect whether certain society is predominantly male or female in terms of cultural values, gender roles and power relations. . Long- Versus Short-Term Orientation which Hofstede des cribes as â€Å"The long-term orientation dimension can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue.Societies with a short-term orientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute truth. They are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results. In societies with a long-term orientation, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results. Conclusion: Employees form an overall subjective perception of the organization based on such factors as degree of risk tolerance, team emphasis, and support of people. This overall perception becomes, in effect, the organization’s culture or personality. These favorable or unfavorable perceptions then aff ect employee performance and satisfaction, with the impact being greater for stronger cultures. Just as people’s personalities tend to be stable over time, so too do strong cultures. This makes strong cultures difficult for managers to change.One of the more important managerial implications of organizational culture relates to selection decisions. Hiring individuals whose values don't align with those of the organization is not good. An employee's performance depends to a considerable degree on knowing what he should or should not do. Changing the organizational culture requires time, commitment, planning and proper execution – but it can be done. References: Henry Mintzberg Cultural and Environmental School of Thought culled www. mbaknol. com accessed Thursday11th April 2013. Geertz, C. (1973). The interpretation of culture. New York: Basic Books.Keeling, R. M. (1981). Theories of culture. In R. W. Casson (Ed. ), Language, culture and cognition (pp. 42- 66). New York : Macmillan. CHAPTER FORTY-ONE Creating a Climate and Culture for Sustainable Organizational Change Benjamin Schneider Arthur P. Brief Richard A. Guzzo (1996) Accessed on Thursday 11th April, 2013 http://media. johnwiley. com. au/product_ancillary/64/04702605/DOWNLOAD/chapter41. pdf B. Schneider, ‘‘Organizational Behavior,’’ Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 36, pp. 573–611, 1985. R. A. Guzzo and G. P. Shea, ‘‘Group Performance and Intergroup Relations in Organizations,’’ in M.D. Dunnette and L. M. Hough (eds. ), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed. , Vol. 3 (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1992). Smircich, L. (1983): Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly: 28(3). Pp. 339-358. . . Cummings, T. G. and Huse, E. F. (1989). Organization Development and Change, 4th edition. St Paul, MN: West Publishing. Cummings, T. G. and Worley, C. G. (1997). Org anization Development and Change, 6th edition. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing. . Deal T. E. and Kennedy, A. A. 1982, 2000) Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1982; reissue Perseus Books, 2000 . . Hofstede, Geert (1980) Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work Related Values, Beverly Hills, CA, Sage Publications, reprinted 1984 . . Kotter, John and Heskett, James L. (1992) Corporate Culture and Performance, Free Press; ISBN 0-02-918467-3 . . Lewin, K. (1946). ‘Action research and minority problems’. In Lewin, G. W. (Ed. ), Resolving Social Conflict. London: Harper & Row. . . Lewin, K. (1947a). ‘Frontiers in group dynamics’.In Cartwright, D. (Ed. ), Field Theory in Social Science. London: Social Science Paperbacks. . Mulder, Mauk (1977) The daily power game, Martinus Nijhoff Social Sciences Division Parsons, Talcott, Shils, Edward (1951), Toward a General Theory of Acti on, reprinted as Parsons, Talcott, Shils, Tolman, Stouffer and Kluckhohn et al. , Toward a General Theory of Action: Theoretical foundations of the Social Sciencies, Transaction Publishers, 2001 Ravasi, D. , Schultz, M. (2006), â€Å"Responding to organizational identity threats: exploring the role of organizational culture†, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 433–458. Schein, E. H. (1996). ‘Kurt Lewin's change theory in the field and in the classroom: notes towards a model of management learning’. Systems Practice, 9, 1, 27–47. Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. p. 9. How to Change Your Culture: Organizational Culture  Change You Can Transform Your Culture With Conscious  Steps By Susan M. Heathfield, About. com Guide http://humanresources. about. com/od/organizationalculture/a/culture_change. htm

Internship on Hotel Industry

INTERNSHIP REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DONE BY HARIPRASATH M 11BBA0071 IN HOTEL SHEVAROYS PRIVATE LIMITED. UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF. C. M. MARAN Professor, VIT Business School SEPTEMBER 2012 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Internship report submitted by Hariprasath, Reg. No 11BBA0071 to VIT Business School, VIT University Vellore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is a bonafide record of work carried out by him under my supervision.The contents of this thesis, in full or in parts have not been submitted in any form to any other institute or university for the award of any degree or diploma. Faculty Guide Programme Manager Internal Examiner External Examiner DECLARATION I, Hariprasath M, Reg. No 11BBA0071, a Bonafide student of the VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, hereby declare that the Internship Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of the VIT University, is my original work. Date: Place: VELLORE Hariprasath. M ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Prof.J. Naga Venkata Raguram (Programme Manager), VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my company guide, Mr. Umar sheriff, General. Manager, Hotel Shevaroys. , Yercaud for guiding me throughout my summer internship work. His encouragement, time and effort are greatly appreciated. I would like to thank my faculty guide, Prof. C. M. Maran , Professor, VIT Business School for all his valuable inputs and constant support towards me throughout my internship and providing me an opportunity to learn outside the class room and constantly motivating me to give my best.It was a truly wonderful learning experience. I would also like to thank my parents for supporting and encouraging me to complete the projec t. I would also like to thank all the respondents who offered their opinions and suggestions and sometimes critical views throughout the internship tenure which made me constantly update and made myself to undergo a successful training. Date: Place: Vellore Hariprasath. M CONTENTS 1. Introduction| 06| 2. Industry profile| 07| 3. Company Profile| 08| 4. Major players in hotel industry of Yercaud| 11| 5.Organizational structure of Hotel Shevaroys. | 12| 6. Several Departments of Shevaroys| 13| 7. Finance and Human Resources Department| 14| 8. Food and beverages department| 15| 9. Housekeeping department| 18| 10. Marketing department| 20| 11. Front office department| 24| 12. SWOT Analysis| 26| 13. Recommendations | 27| 14. Conclusions| 28| 1. INTRODUCTION Hotel Shevaroys is one of the finest restaurants in the hill station of Yercaud. It scores seventh rank in performance in compared with other the hotels in Yercaud surveyed by a traveler website.Since in the year 1971 in earns good na me in the society by providing quality food as well as taste. This report provides you the story Indian hotel industry and a detailed view of hotel Shevaroys. The study report makes a way to comprehend the structure and functions of the organization in a restaurant. The internship report pacts with the organizational functions and performance of hotel Shevaroys In this report, I have studied the performance process that is being carried out in the company. The first part of my report shrinks with a detailed organization study.It includes the industry profile, company’s profile, company’s activities and operations, organizational structure, etc. This section gives a exhaustive information about the company and the nature of its functioning. The second part deals with performance and functioning of various departments such as finance, human resources, food and beverages, front desk, resident departments sections. In this section, I have given a brief description towards the sections of functioning. In the third part of my report contains my findings, suggestions and conclusion. 2. INDUSTRY PROFILEThe size of Indian hotel industry is $20 billion. Thirty percent of the sector is organized. An additional 20 international brands are expected to come to India in the next two years. Within the sector that is organized, the 5-star hotel segment contributes 58 per cent. After witnessing exceptionally bad years in FY09 and FY10 due to the global economic slowdown and terror attacks, the Indian hotel industry appears to be now on a path of slow recovery. Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) to India surged from 5. 11 m in 2009 to 5. 58 m in 2010, thereby resulting in an increase of 9. 3% Yo-yo.India occupies the sixty-eighth position among the top tourist destinations in the world, according to the travel and tourism competitiveness report 2011. To encourages the tourism sector, the government in recent times, has taken some measures which will benefit the sector . In the general budget for 2011-12, Rs 11. 7 bn for development of tourism infrastructure and promotion of tourism was allocated. This figure is higher by Rs 1. 0 bn compared what was allocated in the previous year. The Centre and states are also working out a PPP (Public-Private-Partnership) model to increase hotel capacity.Government of India increased spend on advertising campaigns (including for the campaigns ‘Incredible India’ and ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ – Visitors are like God) to reinforce the rich variety of tourism in India. The ministry granted tourist visa on arrival (T-VoA) for the citizens of tourist destination and undertook various measures, such as stepping up vigilance in key cities and at historically important tourist sites. The tourism ministry has envisaged a budgetary allocation of Rs 200 billion in the Twelfth Five Year Plan.According to the latest Tourism Satellite Accounting (TSA) research, released by the World Travel and Tour ism Council (WTTC), the demand for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow by 8. 2% between 2010 and 2019. This will place India at the third position in the world. India’s travel and tourism sector is expected to be the second largest employer in the world. Capital investment in India’s travel and tourism sector is expected to grow at 8. 8% between 2010 and 2019. The report forecasts India to get more capital investment in the travel and tourism sector and is projected to become the fifth fastest growing business travel estination from 2010 through 2020. 3. COMPANY PROFILE The beginning: In the year 1971, Mr. N. Ramasamy Udayar, a freedom fighter and industrial list of Salem bought a British Bungalow situated amidst 14 acres of lush green coffee plantations and converted it into a guest house with just 4 rooms and a small kitchen to cater to the then rare visitor of Yercaud. Being a strong visionary, he sensed the potential for growth of the tourism industry i n Yercaud which inspired him to set path in the expansion of the property.Consequently, in the year 1972-73, the small guest house blossomed into a hotel with the addition of 8 more rooms and a restaurant making Hotel Shevaroys the first fully operational hotel on the hills. At the advent of 1979, Mr. Udayar introduced the concept of individual cottages to accommodate the elite and wealthy who sought luxurious accommodation. With the commencement of 11 uniquely designed and well-appointed cottages, Hotel Shevaroys set the trend of offering villa style accommodation which became the most sought after and favorable type of stay in Yercaud.By this time, Hotel Shevaroys was the first to have its own licensed permit room and added more food & beverage outlets to its portfolio. The journey: The year 1991 witnessed the succession of the management by Mr. R. Devadass, the third son of Mr. Ramasamy Udayar. Being a young and energetic graduate in Arts as well as Law, Mr. Devadass spruced up t he operation of the entire hotel. This paved way for Hotel Shevaroys to grow leaps and bounds to be the premier hotel of Yercaud today standing with 80 rooms, 11 cottages, 4 food & beverage outlets, the majestic Lantana convention hall and an in-house supermarket.Stepping Ahead: The gradual transition of the management from Mrs. & Mr. Devadass to Mr. Prabhu Ram and Ms. Swathi Virutha is paving way for yet another era of enviable growth for this wonderful haven of hospitality. As an initial step, the hotel is undergoing a major up gradation of its appeal to meet out the demands of the modern traveler and provide the ultimate hill resort experience. Super Market: The Shevaroys Super Market, located within the hotel premises, is the ideal place to shop for your daily requirements and also grab souvenirs for your family and friends back home.Items native to Yercaud such as coffee, pepper, medicinal herbal oils and homemade chocolates are some of our best sellers. Internet & Browsing: Br oad band connectivity is available at the browsing centre here and enables you to stay connected even while on vacation! The browsing center is also equipped with photo-copying and printing facilities. In addition, an exclusive train ticket booking system is available for your convenience. Bonfire Sitting around a warm fire outdoors is a greater way to socialize and cozy up on a cool night.For those guests who’d like to enjoy this experience, we can arrange for a bonfire on the lawn (charges apply). An outdoor buffet dinner can also be organized for a group of guests. Plantation Walk Coffee is grown extensively in the Shevaroyan Hills and walking through the plantations is a great way to experience the freshness of the coffee bloom. The plantation Walk, located within the hotel, is a trail that leads its way into the vast coffee plantations and provides a close look at the coffee shrubs, the tall Silver Oak trees with Pepper vines climbing around their trunks, various ornamen tal and medicinal plants.The tall trees and shrubs are home to many birds like the bul-bul, myna and sparrows. The squirrels found here are high on caffeine-just saying†¦ Children’s Play Park An open children’s play area complete with swings, slide and see-saw et al lets your wee ones have their share of holiday fun! Recreation Room An indoor games facility located at the basement of the Lantana Hall will interest those who would like to engage themselves in a game of table-tennis, carom, chess or a host of other board games Beauty Parlor and Massage RoomHolidaying in a hill station does not have to mean forgoing the regular facial, hair cut or trim. Separate beauticians for gents and ladies are available throughout the day at your service. The masseurs are experts in massaging your body to rejuvenate and tone up your tried muscles with a wide assortment of Ayurveda and Swedish massages OBJECTIVES OF HOTEL SHEVAROYS: Hotel Shevaroys’s objective is to provid e the best, comfortable . memorable and luxurious trip to Yercaud. Hotel provides easy access to an excellent variety of facilities. MISSION STATEMENT:To be recognized as one of the best first-class hotels in Yercaud and to constantly strive to improve, allowing us to prosper as a business for the benefit of our guests, our employees and our owner. VISION: The success of any business is contingent on the ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. At the Hotel Shevaroys, we are proud of our strong commitment to both our guests and our team members. We recognize that the delivery of exemplary guest services dependent on a group of caring team members who share common goals and a true spirit to serve.Those goals and service spirit are expressed in Our Big Three, which lies at the heart of our hotel mission statement our hotel is a place where every guest receives100% satisfaction in the service, products and environment we proudly provide. VALUES: It is one of our main values th at our guest should enjoy luxurious time in our hotel. SUBSIDARIES: The subsidiaries of Hotel Shevaroys are * Malar Mess Pure vegetarian hotel located in Yercaud. * Karupaiah hotel. Spicy non vegetarian hotel in Yercaud. * Shevaroys institute of hotel management, Yercaud. * Hotel Salem Shevaroys. 4.MAJOR PLAYERS OF HOTEL INDUSTRY IN YERCAUD 1. The Regent Hill Side Resort. 2. Grand Palace & Spa. 3. GRT Nature Trails Hotel. 4. The Lake Forest Hostel Yercaud. 5. Grange Resort 6. Sterling Resort 7. Classic Cottage 8. Wellington Hill Resort 9. Hills Resort 10. Yercaud International 11. Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation. 12. Silver Holiday Cottages 13. Ponkailash Holiday Home 14. Star Holiday Inn 5. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF HOTEL SHAVEROYS 6. FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT The major departments of the restaurant are: * Food and beverages department * Service department House keeping * Accounts department * Marketing department * Front desk (reception) department. The five departme nts are actively working with the co-ordination. These five departments come under general manager Mr. Umar Sheriff. The operational departments of the hotel are * Housekeeping department * Food and beverages department * Front office department The strategic departments of the hotel are * Marketing department * Finance department 7. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: * The H. R united finance and human resources departments are managed by Mr. Kailasm with two assistant’s graduates. The finance department inclined purchases, sales, and salaries of the employees. * A key area in accounting, accounts payable ensures that all bills are paid on time and all discounts are taken minimizing the costs of the hotel. * Accountants work closely with the purchasing department to verify that all invoices to be paid are indeed invoices of the hotel. * The assistant accountant divides the various functions to be performed so that the workload will be even. * Assistant might be responsible for daily transa ctions while another works on special projects, budgets, analyses. Shevaroys keeps two ledgers: the guest ledger is associated with the guests staying at the hotel while the city ledger contains all other billings. * The accounting department has a person in accounts receivable working with the city ledger so the hotel is able to bill and collect revenues due. Human Resource * The company recruits the employees directly from their own hotel institute and other institutes. * The employees are trained as per the performance appraisal. * The work securities provided to employees specially women. * The company provides monthly groceries to the employees from their supermarket. Free medical checkups facilities are provided to the employee 8. FOOD AND BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT * Food and Beverage Department (F&B) is responsible for maintaining high quality of food and service, food costing, managing restaurants, bars, etc. * Food and Beverage Service is the service of Food made in the Kitchen and Drinks prepared in the Bar to the Customers (Guest) at the Food & Beverage premises, which can be: Restaurants, Bars, Hotels, Airlines, Cruise Ships, Trains, Companies, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Prisons, Takeaway, etc * Mr. Raja prakash is the manager of the department. Food and beverages department includes: * Bar * Kitchen * Red dragon Resto-bar Duties of Food and Beverages Department: * The Food & Beverage department is the largest department on board comprising of various areas working together to cater to our guest’s food and beverage needs. * From mouth-watering meals to deliciously refreshing cocktails. * Entry level positions within this department include waiters, cooks, bar servers, hotel stewards. * Prepare tables or counters for meals. * Stock the service area with supplies (for example,  coffee, glassware). * Greet customers; present menus and help customers select menu items. Inform customers about daily specials. * Record orders and place them with th e kitchen and bar. * Pick up and serve orders. * Check that customers are enjoying their meals and correct any problems. * Suggest and serve desserts and beverages. * Clean and reset tables. Bar: * Mr. Neelakandan manages the bar. * Mr. Shakhi is the assistant manager of the bar. * The bar timings from 11am to 10 pm. * Local liquors are supplied. * Chicken and veg items are provided as side dish. * Liquors include 14. 5% taxes extra and service charges. Kitchen: * Here kitchen is maintained in good hygienic conditions. Mr. Rajaappa is the chief chef of the hotel. * The kitchen of Shveroys divided into Chinese and Chettinadu styles. * Kitchen consists of dish wash as sub department. * Over 20 chefs are working in a team in the kitchen. * Chefs in the hotel are well trained as well as experienced. * Shevaroys has repeated customer for its tasty food. * The kitchen is vast spacious with modern cooking articles. Resto-bar: A restobar is a pub, bar, and mini club all combined into one bu ilding. Including the huge couches and a small dancing floor. * In Shveroys resto-bar is named as Red Dragon. In this bar foreign liquors are served. * Price of the liquors includes all the taxes. * The bar fully air conditioned. * It opens at 10. 30 in the morning and at 12. 30 at night. * The bar has more local customers than tourists. * The bar is decorated with mirrors, wooden handicrafts. * The bar is also maintained in hygienic conditions. * Waiters are well trained to serve the custom. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES DEPARTMENT 9. HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT * Housekeeping is the department that deals essentially with cleanliness and all ancillary service attached to that. The customer feels comfortable only in the environment which is clean and well ordered, so cleanliness is important for health foremost also for well-being. * Accommodation in hotels tend to be the largest part of the hotel, it is the most revenue generating department, the housekeeping department t akes care of all rooms is often largest department in Shevaroys. * The rooms in hotels are offered as accommodation to travelers/ guest as individual units of bedroom. * Hotel offer laundry, dry leaning facilities for guest clothes, shoe polishing facilities also.Hotel aims to make environment comfortable and offer specialized service to the guest. * Shevaroys make the ambiance as pleasant as possible by nice colour scheme, attractive furnishing and a well-kept efficient staff. * The fine accommodation and service are provided to the guest so they are pleased with the hotel. * The guest satisfaction is its primary object and the hygiene factor is always being present in the hotel. * The manager of housekeeping department is Mr. Raman a postgraduate is hotel management. * The department includes linen department, Mr.Govindarajan manages the linen department * The linen department is the Centre stage for the supporting role that the Housekeeping Department plays in the hotel. Most lin en rooms are centralized and act as a storage point and distribution center for clean linen. * Over 25 employees are working in housekeeping department of Shevaroys. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF HOUSEKEEPING DEPRARTMENT KEY: *1 – Standard, Bougain, Old archit villas *2 – Cottage, Dalia, New archit, rooms 10. Marketing department Marketing mix: The hotel Shevaroys’s is integrating all elements of marketing mix successfully. Promotion: The basic way of promoting the hotel is by phone calls and then the personal meeting by the marketing staff, added to that they value customer’s comments too and it’s very important for promoting hotel. * Marketing staff’s public relation is very strong they meet the corporate people on a very friendly way. * Public relation in local market will remain an important element in them marketing mix presenting the hotel as a supportive member of the communicating and participating in significant local events. * For advert isement they publish broachers, and if there any new packages comes then they make it in broacher, Buffet packages etc. Words of mouth are very important for promoting any hotel but for this the hotel staff needs to be very punctual and good, added to that their services need to be very quick. * Primary focus will remain on mass communication with via print ads in trade publications and on the internet. * Direct mails campaigns to existing prospective client will increase as a cost effective meaning of target campaigning Product: * Hotel’s products are its rooms and services and better the room and services will behigher the reputation of the hotel and the quality of product. High quality services accompanied by exemplary personal service, differentiated from competition quality with an overall brand strategy, has proven to be the successful approach, generating high level of repeat business. Rooms: There 73 rooms available for cutomers with 6 types namely * Luxury Villa * De luxe Villa * Orchid room * Dahlia room * Rose room(deluxe double bedded) * Bougainvilla room (standard four bedded) * Standard double bedded room All of the rooms are calm best place to spend the time. Conference hall: * There is a conference hall called Lantana with a capacity of three undred members. * Vast spacious with wooden flooring. * Food and beverages are supplied as per the request of the customer. Price: As Shveroys is a three star hotel price of the rooms are moderate and comfortable to the travelers. * Luxury VillaRs. 5200 * Deluxe VillaRs. 4200 * Orchid roomRs. 2800 * Dahlia roomRs. 2300 * Rose roomRs. 2011 * Bougainvilla room Rs. 1700 * Standard double bedded roomRs. 1100 * The above quoted tariff is on double occupancy basis and exclusive of taxes. * Luxury & service tax 17. 65% on the published tariff. * Extra person charges Rs. 650 + taxes. Rates are inclusive of complimentary buffet breakfast served at the Silver Oak restaurant. Features: * Comprehensive variety o f rooms and luxury cottages available at wider range of prices. * Luxury and deluxe villas have individual car parking facilities. * Active room service. * 24 hour travel desk ( including air and trail travel). * Doctor on call. Marketing plan: The marketing plan of Shevaroys’s is structured to enable them to achieve the strategic goals we have set for them, in terms of increasing overall revenue as a result of differentiating their  products and services from the competition. Our marketing team of Shevaroys will ensure that the plan is implemented to the best of their ability and with the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy. Website Plan: Website plan of Shevaroys is already up and running but needs to be redesigned to give it an updated look and feel, as well as to secure interactively. The content is good but just need a refresher. Website goals of Shevaroys: The website needs to be able to do the following: * Convey our messaging of high quality, luxury business a ccommodation. Being able to make reservation online able to make changes online. Sales plan: * The sales plan hinges upon our sales strategy, sales process and, prospecting plan. * As long as we follow the plans laid below we should be in good shape. 11. FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT The Front Office is the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the front-office staff welcome the guests, carry their luggage, and help them register, give them their room keys and mail, answer questions about the activities in the hotel and surrounding area, and finally check them out.In fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees, other than in the restaurants, is with members of the front-office staff. . The front office functions can be divided into five general areas: 1. Reception 2. Bell service 3. Mail and information 4. Concierge 5. Cashiers and night auditors Duties of front office department: * The Front Office function of a Hotel is to act as the public face of the hotel, prima rily by greeting hotel patrons and checking in guests. * It also provides assistance to guests during their stay, completes their ccommodation, food and beverage, accounts and receives payment from guests. * Sell guestrooms; register guests and design guestrooms * Coordinate guest services * Maintain guest account statements and complete proper financial settlements. * Receive and process reservation requests for future overnight accommodations. * It also provides assistance to guests during their stay completes their accommodation, food and beverage accounts and receives payment from guests. ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF FRONT OFFICE KEY: H. K-House Keeping 12. SWOT ANALYSISStrength: * Unique taste. * Financial strength. * Talented employees. * Brand name. * Repeated customers. * Centre of the hill station. * Good leadership with the locals & travelers. * Sundry types of rooms. Opportunities: * Can become no. 1 restaurant in yercaud * Can expand branches all over Tamilnadu. * Can improve the hotel facilities into five star range Weakness * Old infrastructure * More competitors * No air condition rooms * No Wi-Fi facilities * No swimming pool * Very few indoor game facilities * Diversity among the workers Threats Lack of picking up of new technology new hotels will occupy the market. * Fewer travelers during winter season. * Few rooms are filled during week days. * Travelling facility is very poor during rainy season * No other entertainment except site seeing RECOMMENDATIONS: * The quality of food must be improved in hotels. * Prices of food must be reason able according to their food standard and services. * The hotels should follow new technological trends. * There must be proper marketing and sales promotion for hotel industry. * Hotel should be constructed at beautiful locations. They must raise their voice and negotiate with government for chalking out sound policies for the improvement in hotel and tourism industry. * Parking facilities must have ample space. * Room services should be according to needs of customers. * Attendants must be adequately trained, educated, well behaved and efficient. KEYS TO SUCCESS: * Continue to develop ongoing relationships with frequent and new guests. * Continue to develop and implement a strong communications plan in both national and international markets. * Leverage our strength in the local market as a member of the community by supporting local events. Identify new markets for our services such as University-based target groups. * Continue ongoing staff training and skill development to ensure the highest standards of  service. CONCLUSION This is sure that positive learning’s are more than negative learning because internship is an important part of the BBA, it has includes many learning’s including these. Confidence of the important learning of the internship because in class room we didn’t learn how to talk and conversation with the customers especially in English language s o, the internship has given us the chance to do that.Because is something that I learned with the meeting with different types of peoples exclusively for marketing peoples. Through this Internship Training, I have secured a deep practical & theoretical knowledge about the functions of various departments of Shevaroys and I am able to gain various managerial functions and how the employees are trained and how they are benefited in the company learned after this training experience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

489 lesson #8 part #2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

489 lesson #8 part #2 - Assignment Example A major reason why it is believed one would learn better using this strategy is that it is friendly, especially to people with memory problems. The ability to think about one’s own thinking process gives them an opportunity to retrieve the important information they learnt from memory. Learning using this strategy also facilitates independence from teacher support. This way, one can be in the best position to learn, with, or without the direct help of the teacher (Hartman, 2001, p. 8). I believe that the best learning strategy is one that facilitates a continuous learning process, even where there is minimal support from teachers. Hartman (2001) establishes that there are three basic kinds of awareness that have a correlation with metacognitive learning strategy; the first is knowledge awareness which refers to what a person knows, wants to know or does not know; the second is awareness thinking which requires one to know well the cognitive tasks and what is expected; thirdly, there is the thinking strategy awareness which is different from the second mentioned above. It refers to understanding the approaches that are directed to learning. The results of all these prompts the students to ask the following questions; â€Å"what do I need to know?†, â€Å"what don’t I know?† and â€Å"what do I know?† These kind of reflective questions enable students to be more self-aware thereby helping them connect to the kind of information that they may be learning (Hartman, 2001, p. 16). I have realized that learning on my own may not be very helpful since consulting from teachers is quite crit ical for purposes of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example The author also dissuaded the participants to minimize checking their emails to reduce stress but found that habits are hard to break. The approach of this writing used several rhetorical devices to make the article persuasive, convincing and easy to understand without losing its scientific approach. First, the article attempted to get the reader’s attention by engaging them with an emotion which is the province of pathos that they truly concerned about which is stress and how email relates to it. The article then proceeded in using logos when it stated the scientific method of having a controlled experiment to answer the question of the article. Controlled experiment meant having a set of subjects or participants under a controlled condition to test a certain hypothesis which in this case is that frequently opening mail is inimical to our well-being or causes stress. Ethos or the background of the authors helped the article to become credible. According to article, the author designed an experiment that would measure how checking email behavior influence people’s pressure and this used the rhetorical device of logos. In the study, the experimenters hired 124 adults which included students, professors, and I.T workers. They divided the participants into two groups at random. The experiment took several weeks involving several process. One of the methods employed in the experiment is to illustrate how emails affect the stress levels of participants. Half of the group can check their emails anytime and half of the group were only to open their mails three times day. The situation was reversed with the participants and after collecting the data to determine result, it yielded the same result that â€Å"cutting back on email might reduce stress as much as picture yourself swimming in the warm waters of a tropical island several times a day †(Gray 1). It has to be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Community Health Nursing Intervention Research Paper - 1

Community Health Nursing Intervention - Research Paper Example llowing the windshield survey and the statistical analysis because the majority of hospital admission and a higher percentage of the mortality rate in the community link to either of the three. From the data gathered there is a high prevalence of deaths or hospital emergencies are resulting from heart and respiratory diseases issues. For example in the data, the rate of deaths due to heart disease stood at 191.9 per 100,000 people. Comparing to other states this number is very high. It is for this reason that the survey revealed heart disease to be the top cause for the high mortality rate in the community. The analysis also highlights that the major cause for heart disease and respiratory problems in the area is due to air pollution and overcrowding. The next concern in the area is the number of motor vehicle accidents. Most hospital emergencies also attribute to the high rate of motorcar accidents in the region. Based on the priority health issues raised for this community, a cancer screening and awareness program for people of all ages is proposed to aid in early identification and treatment. This program is best suited as it will be able to create awareness and control the menace brought by overcrowding and air pollution. The proposed intervention is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed therefore making it meat all the requirements of a SMART program. The program is specific for testing and treating heart disease patient in the community by ensuring at least everybody undergoes testing for signs of heart disease twice a year. The outcome of the proposed intervention will help in reducing the mortality rate of the community and prolong life expectancy of the whole community as a whole. The intervention will be able to educate people on ways of preventing and avoiding situations that may lead to heart disease or complications. This will also provide a means for people who are above the age of 65 who are at most risk access the necessary

Monday, August 26, 2019

Juvenile Justice Project (outline) How Teenagers Should be Punished Assignment

Juvenile Justice Project (outline) How Teenagers Should be Punished - Assignment Example These minor violations result in harsh and brutal punishments from them. This is the simplest parenting trap many parents may fall into as at this point parents are trying to win their battle of ego and being superior rather than giving some learning to their child about how to choose good and bad. Parents must remember that this is not the wrestling match or a tug of war but only the time to demonstrate their role in the best possible way. Parents do have some authority over their child but that does not mean to change this into a power struggle scenario. (ii). Negative Impact Of Physical Aggression: Child who suffers a constant hitting by their parents may end up having violent behavior issues later with their friends, siblings or even with their better halves. Conclusion: Thus physical assaults practice on teenagers must be condemned as this may lead to loss of self confidence of child and respect of parents in the eye of child. Certain alternatives for combating the discipline issues with child must be kept in mind for the proper upbringing of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Epic of Gilgamesh - Essay Example Different phenomena of our world not only attracted their attention but needed explanations. Their views were at the stage of developing, the explanations were not definite and many things were still explained by the existence of different gods. It is clear from the legend that the main goal of these people was to kill somebody and to conquer some territory (Dalley 34). The role of a woman is also represented vaguely. The attitudes towards women in the legend are very different. We can see that the positive and respectful attitude is represented mostly towards goddesses. Ishtar is one of them, she was the goddess of richness, love, and battle. Ishtar is represented in a great number of myths and legends and in every myth she has a different mission. Ishtar is usually portrayed as a strong, egoistic and proud woman. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, she represented as an enemy of the main hero. She is very ambitious in the Epic of Gilgamesh and it is not possible to define if she is positive or negative heroin. The readers can be shocked by her cruelness when she decides to kill Gilgamesh after he rejects her. The main goal of this woman is to satisfy her ambitions. This testifies that the people of that time saw women as strong, cruel and ambitions creatures (Dalley 56). They gave these features to a goddess and that means that in their opinion such charact eristics should have belonged to ideal women. Ishtar is also very sensual; she can’t and is not going to overcome her feeling to Gilgamesh, she demands an immediate satisfaction of her passion: â€Å"Come, Gilgamesh, be my lover! Give me the taste of your body. Would that you were my husband, and I was your wife! Id order harnessed for you a chariot of lapis lazuli and gold, its wheels of gold and its horns of precious amber. You will drive storm demons--powerful mules! Enter our House, into the sweet scent of cedarwood† (Tablet 6, col. I).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The legality of downloading mp3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The legality of downloading mp3 - Research Paper Example There are many contradictory opinions on this subject, and the fact that day by day the number of illegal mp3 downloads grows just makes the matter more and more actual and painful for the people whose work is being stolen. Transmitting mp3 files over the Internet has become by far the most popular method of distribution, generating in this way controversial and intense debates. This subject has been chosen for the research paper not only due to the indisputable popularity of the illegal actions, but also because of the fact that most of us have at least once downloaded the music we like by using these illegal sites, even if we are aware that it was wrong. Nevertheless, â€Å"the law enforcement community in the twenty-first century seems to have finally awakened to the fact that ...computers are here to stay†1 and something must be done in order to solve this problem as efficiently as possible. The term paper will be focused on revealing the essence of the growing popularity of illegal mp3 downloads, the legal matters that arise from these actions and come up with some recommendations on combating this phenomenon. The author will focus both on the national Canadian context, as well as on the international one, pointing out the main differences and similarities and analyzing them. The paper will be finished with the conclusions, where the personal opinion of the author is expressed, as well as some recommendations, which, in the author’s opinion, could improve the statistics. It is not possible to talk about illegal mp3 downloads in Canada, where downloading music from peer-to-peer networks is legal, uploading it being against the law. â€Å"Canada has a private copying levy, which grants the right to make personal, non-commercial copies of sound recordings. Canada has imposed levies (fees) on recording mediums like blank CDs and similar items. These levies are used to fund musicians and

Friday, August 23, 2019

BTK (DENIS RADER) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BTK (DENIS RADER) - Research Paper Example Once he came back from the Air Force, he took up a job in the meat department of a grocery store. He lived separate from his parents. In 1973 he married Paula Dietz who was a secretary at the local hospital. They had 2 children together. According to Rader, he had a good marriage with his wife for the first 30 years. After 34 years of marriage, his wife filed for divorce on grounds of his mental health being unstable, after which Rader was arrested. People had mixed views of Denis Rader in their community. Some found him proud, rude and confrontational, while others found him to be to be a nice, friendly guy. As a child, Rader was very highly sexually active. Not in the sense that he performed sexual acts as a child (it is known that he graduated from high school as a virgin), but he would be easily provoked by spankings from his mother. He even had Sexual magazines and would sketch his sexual fantasies on paper. He would break into people’s homes when no one was there and wou ld steal ladies underwear. Peeping and breaking into homes had become more frequent during the age of 14 till 21. The first killings he ever made as a child was of dogs and cats, by strangling them to death. Throughout his childhood, Rader was known to be a poor student who preferred isolation. He enjoyed the torturing of animals and gathering of erotic pictures of women instead of making friends. He modified these pictured he collected adding gags, chains and ropes to the pictures to sexually please himself with the idea of torture. The only 2 social activities that Rader ever indulged in were either his duties in the church or during his training as a boy scout. While he was in the boy scouts, he quickly learnt the art of tying knots, which helped him later on when he bound his victims before killing them (McClellan, 2010). Once BTK’s violent streak grasped him, there was nothing that could stop him. From 1974 till 1991, BTK Dennis Rader was responsible for killing 10 women in Wichita, Kansas. He was known to tie up his victims, torture them and then kill them. Hence the name BTK, Bind, Torture and Kill Dennis would collect personal items from his victims as souvenirs, after killing them. He even sent letters to the police and newspapers after his killings. The first letter that the police received from BTK was in 1974 after his first killing of the Otero family, that very year. His second letter, sent in 1978, was clearly a stunt for attention from the media. His letter was addressed to a television station as BTK, after which the name became famous for the serial killer. Dennis was even a writer of poems. His poems often contained descriptions of how he imagined his victims’ killings and some poems were even written with intent to be sent to his own victims. Dennis last made contact with the media in 2005. Forensic software discovered that the Microsoft Word document which was deleted had metadata that contained the phrase ‘Christ Luthe ran Church’ and the name ‘Dennis’ for when it was last modified. The church website then showed Dennis Rader as the church president, after which the authorities started investigation on Dennis Rader. The police obtained a warrant for collecting DNA samples of Rader’s daughter. This DNA sample matched with the semen that authorities found in one of the earlier BKT killing victims. This gave the authorities a lead on the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analysis of The Somebody Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of The Somebody - Essay Example He considered owning all the things, places and buildings where he signed his name and looked at himself as somebody, a popular person who has a reputation of his own. The story is written in simple narration where the author used words and conversations used mainly among street people to adapt to the attributes of the characters. The main character claims he is Mexican whereby, unsophisticated English words are used and being a gang member, the narrator uses phrases commonly used like the use of the word ‘man’. For instance when Chato commented about what happened to the houses in his neighborhood, he said, â€Å"I hope that never happens to your street, man†. He used the phrase to speak to his reader or audience regardless of gender. The use of figurative speech is abundant in the story making it an interesting narrative, catching the attention of readers, letting them pause and think about what they could possibly mean. The figures of speech also stir the imagi nations of audiences to the picture the author wants to paint in their minds, making the events and characters come alive. â€Å"The toilet roars like a hot rod taking off† is a simile used in the story which portrays the whooshing sound made by the toilet bowl when it is flushed. The terms could also imply that the toilet sound is louder than it should be, making it appear in the reader’s mind that the setting is in a poor family’s house where repairs or change of materials are not done even when badly needed. Other figurative connotation used as a simile is â€Å"like a ghost in the graveyard†, which describes the narrators way of walking down the street, allowing the reader to imagine that he was walking alone in a dark, abandoned road. The figures of speech help the reader to have a clear picture of the images the author wants to portray through the words of the main character which was done quite successfully. About his writing, Chato describes it in the same fashion as, â€Å"It’s real smooth and mellow, and curvy like a blond in a bikini†. The comparison of two unlike things is used in this description which may have been an exaggeration but to the author, might have reached his goal of putting the penmanship of the character beside a curvy woman’s naked body to show how attractive is writing is. Metaphor was also used in the narration of the main character as he described the legs of her mother with the following phrase, â€Å"Her legs got those dark blue rivers running all over them†. He used the image of rivers to describe the varicose veins on her mother’s legs which could have been correctly represented because as the rivers carry water or fluid, the veins do the same however, they carry blood. Rivers when seen from afar are colored blue but the representation of the author about the varicose veins mentions them to be dark blue. The author also used personification in the story, making things perform human actions. For example, he said about the houses being destroyed by the bulldozers and wrecking bars of S.P. Railroads, â€Å"You could hear those houses scream when they ripped them down†. Houses cannot scream but the author used the word probably to inform readers about how the owners had no other choice but to let their houses be bulldozed against their will. It could also be that he was referring to the noise made in the midst of the wrecking of the houses, the sound of bars and hammerings and probably made a parallelism to how a person would react if one is ripped off or destroyed. In another

Promoting effective communication Essay Example for Free

Promoting effective communication Essay There are a number of factors to consider when promoting effective communication. When using verbal communication with patients it is important to speak looking at them, speaking slowly and clearly and using simple language,. It is important to note that when working with patients with learning disabilities we have made sure they have understood what I have said. When speaking with colleagues or professionals the language I use can be more complex and often I will speak faster however most factors remain the same, it is still important that information given verbally is clear and concise. An example of this is when this is when I have mentored new staff I make sure I talk over everything slowly and clearly and I also get then to repeat some of that information back to show they have understood. Verbally communicating in this way will differ dependant on weather I am talking on a one to one basis or to a group. If I am talking to a group I must remember to address everyone and not exclude anyone. When using non-verbal communication there are many different factors to consider. For example, if I am slummed back in a chair, it may show that I am not interested in the conversation. Eye contact is also very important as this can show that I am engaged in the conversation, other things to consider would be hand gestures, body language and facial expressions, for example, if I frown or have my arms folded I may give a negative impression. Finally it is important to remember that for effective communication to take place it involves both parties to be engaged. Being able to listen well is vital in a two way conversations.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Westgate Bridge Collapse Engineering

Westgate Bridge Collapse Engineering The West Gate Bridge fell down on the 15th of October in 1970, it was caused by a few half girders on the west part of the bridge that didnt fit. They attempted to fix this with an unusual method which made the situation worse. The bridge buckled and eventually collapsed. It killed the workers while they were on break and only a few were left alive. Introduction The West Gate Bridge started construction in 1968 and was the second longest bridge in Australia. The building process was going well at first though an unusual method was being used throughout the project. About 2 years into construction, problems began to show. There was an imbalance between several steel girders which made them not fix into position. Some engineers proposed putting 10 concrete blocks which weighed 8 tons individually, on each of the girders to put them into place which caused the bridge to buckle. Background The company Freeman Fox Partners was in charge of build and this was their 20th bridge.Some of their previous works were The Adome Bridge, Humber Bridge, Erskine Bridge, and Forth Road Bridge. The West Gate Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia which spanned over the Yarra River north of Port Phillip and is an important link to the inner city. Investigation For the most part, the investigation was mostly interviewing survivors and explaining what happened. The blame was mostly on the engineer who designed it and the engineers who ordered the concrete blocks. Findings It was found that Ward, aka Freeman Fox Partners were responsible for giving the designs.The bridge was built unevenly and they tried to put concrete blocks on the girders. Their measurements were fixed in the rebuild and there were no problems during the process. Conclusion It was structural engineer fault due to the failure of measuring properly and allowing to fixing the problem with concrete bricks, which resulted in the bridge buckling. The mess was cleaned up almost immediately. The ambulance got the injured, the firefighters put out the fire and the construction crew cleaned up the wreckage and started over. The bridge was reopened to the public in 1978. Notes Camber- is a rate of elevation between two rails Snapped after removing buckle Structural design failure Freeman Fox Partners Second longest bridge in Australia and highest in the country In October 15 1970, The span between piers 10 and 11 collapsed 2,000 Tonne mass plummeted into mud and created an explosion Rescuers risked their lives Girders are large iron or steel beams used in complex structures Unusual method of construction 35 killed, 18 injured Known for jumpers Steel box girder cable-stayed bridge Began construction in 1965 A cable-stayed bridge has one or more towers from which cables support the bridge deck Sources Rubric rating submitted on: 12/21/2016, 12:20:28 PM by [emailprotected] 10 5 0 Title Page Your score: 5 x Present not done Table of Contents Your score: 5 x Present not done Abstract Your score: 10 Present not done Introduction Your score: 5 x Background Your score: 5 Present not done Investigation Your score: 5 Present not done Findings Your score: 5 Present not done Impact Your score: 5 Present not done Conclusion Your score: 5 x not done References Your score: 10 References included no references Notes Your score: 10 Notes recorded no notes 6 Content Pages Your score: filled 6 pages 3 content pages no contents pages

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The symbolism of rain in literature

The symbolism of rain in literature It has been seen that almost all authors use symbol within their works of literature in order to pull the attention of their readers. Using such symbolic concept it helps the poets in creating a secondary meaning. It also helps in connecting the gaps. Symbols need a careful analysis while in some circumstance it is quite clear. Water can be seen in many forms in literature including waterfalls, lakes, rivers, streams, or rain. The meaning of water symbol in literature can be taken in many ways. The most obvious are life, being born, purity, cleansing, or the washing away of sins. Water is very important to life and growth and it mainly appears as a birth and rebirth symbol. It is used in the baptism service which solemnizes spiritual births. Even the appearance of rain in the work of literature it suggests a spiritual birth. April is the cruellest month for the denizens of the modern wasteland, for it signifies rebirth and they prefer winter or spiritual death, for rebirth implies some efforts on their part and any spiritual effort is hateful to them. The spring rain brings new life to the landscape but all it manages to do is stirring/ dull roots. It suggests that nothing new will grow out of the symbolic wasteland. Through a protagonist named Tiresias, Eliot gives his impressions about the modern people. Tiresias has come across a German princess. She is fond of travel. She is an example of a rootless modern person. She has no connection with her family, community and nation. She is a kind of international globetrotter, fond of the physical comforts of life. Eliot considers such ties necessary for culture, for real life- spiritual and moral. The modern humanity, like German princess, lives entirely on the physical plane, and is entirely forgetful of religious and moral values. In winter, as they go through Munich they are overtaken by a shower of rain. They do not realize the purifying power of rain but rather seek shelter from it, as she is ignorant of its purifying and fertilizing significance. Shelly’s poem Cloud has treated rain in totally different manner. Rain which comes from cloud and it is supplied to the soil so that it regernate. Cloud become a gardener through rain it brings water to thirsty flowers as well as to the birds through the dew on the buds. It helps in harvesting the crops. Here rain is very significant while in the Eliot’s Wasteland people are unaware to the fertilizing power of rain. They try to save themselves with the showers of rain. In this lines the protagonist, Tiresias, then surveys the panorama of modern civilization and finds it spiritually barren and dead. The stones, dead trees, dry stones without any sound of water, all symbolize spiritual desolation. In the book 4 Paradise Lost by Milton Eve tells Adam about her first awakening and how she wondered when she come to know about her who she is and from where she came to life. She sees her image in to the lake through which she discovers herself as well as also aware that she is relative to Adam. Through the voice which she hears she come to know that she is the mother of the human race. Here Eve recognition looking in to the water symbolizes that Eve consciousness about her existence, the awareness of being born. We notice that when Tiresias surveys he finds nothing. But when Eve sees her image into the water she comes to know about her existence. The Tarot Pack of 78 cards, originally used in Egypt to foretell the rise of the Nile waters, and the return of fertility. But now the function of the pack has degenerated. It is used merely for fake fortune telling, an illegal activity. The Madame Sosostris is telling the fortunes of some client, who might be the protagonist himself. The drowned phoenician sailor is the symbol of the fertility god whose effigy was thrown into the river to symbolize the death of the summer. The drowned Phoenician sailor is related to the English myth of the Fisher King, whose wound causes the land to stop impregnate or regenerate. In this case he might represent the terrible curse that has fallen over Europe in the 20th century. The warning ‘fear death by water’ suggest that you need to avoid dying like the Phoenician sailor but it also true that fortune tellers are full of tricks you need to remember there is other way to â€Å"die by water.† So this warning refers to the spiritual drought which has fallen on the wasteland. In the poem of William Wordsworth The Prelude he describes water in the form of a lake, remembering a time when he was a young boy here it symbolize freedom and entrapment. Wordsworth recalls his time when he was a curious boy. In order to take a ride he borrows the boat of a shepherd one night. However, when he starts to row out into the lake he believes that he sees a cliff in the distance rise up in front of him, which petrifies him. Before this incident lake is described as a shining clear among the hoary mountains. A young boy slips his oars in the lake. The water seems peaceful and serene, begging to be rowed upon. Wordsworth enables to quell his desire to take the boat out for a ride. When Wordsworth witnesses the supernatural event into the lake he finds this place is no longer safe but rather fearful and wretched. His pleasurable ride becomes a panic stricken and he tries hard to make it back to land. The lake still peaceful and quite but a change has come in the attitude of Wordsworth. He tries to escape the water. The lake and ocean symbolize both freedom and entrapment. Wordsworth cannot row fast enough to escape the one peaceful lake. In the cases of both poem water is giving a kind of horrid experience. In one poem they are warning to fear from death by water while in other water is very calm and it is begging to be rowed upon by Wordsworth. But while rowing poet is full of fear which he experiences in the expedition on the lake. The lady asks the lover whether he knows anything, whether he sees anything, whether he remembers anything. The reply of the lover is that he remembers one line which is a quotation from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. This line is: â€Å"those are pearls, that were his eyes,† this line is reproduced mechanically by the lover. It has no spiritual significance for him. It does not give an idea of the transformation of man through death to something higher and nobler. This lines is taken from the William Shakespeare The Tempest,it refers to a person who drowned and has been underwater so long, his eyes has turned into pearls. It reminds the warning to avoid Death by water. Turning of eye symbolizes how the modern souls have become hard and lifeless. The hot water at ten. And if it rains, a closed car at four. And we shall play a game of chess, Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door. (Eliot 134-137) It is a brief summary of the dull, meaningless routine of life in the wasteland. Waiting for some excitement, for something to happen, this will enliven for a moment the dull routine of their life. While in the poetry of John Donne we see how a poet is very sad when he has to leave his beloved. He shows much concern for his beloved. In the poem A valediction: of weeping by John Donne image of water is shown with the use of tear. In the beginning of the poem when he is departing from his beloved he does not embrace her before going. Instead of it he finds his beloved reflection in his tears. Their separation cannot separate them it is undeniable separation. Next he takes tears of his beloved both â€Å"fruit† and â€Å"emblem†. It is fruit of his pain because which he is enduring in his present time while it is an emblem of his future grief because he will be away. Further he says that as his tears falls his reflection will also fall. He and she will become nothing. When her reflection falls thus she vanishes as he departs for his sea voyage. Then the tears of the lovers are endlessly generative and endlessly decay. When we both cry our eyes will fill with tears, and we won’t be able to see each other anymore. It has been noticed that people of wasteland is also waiting for any kind amusement in their dull routine of life whereas in Donne poetry instead of waiting he is departing leaving behind his beloved. ‘If it rain’ symbolizes that waiting for spiritual birth or reborn while fading of reflection in tears symbolizes to lose spirituality. The section ‘The Fire Sermon’ opens with Tiresias surveying the Thames scene in the autumn. The leaves have fallen down and the wind moves without any rustle. The Thames is deserted. In the summer, it had been the haunt of nameless ladies in search of momentary pleasure, and the rich sons of business directors equally in need of pleasure. After having their round of pleasure, they have all left. The river is strewn all over with empty bottles, cigarette cases, papers, handkerchiefs, etc, the reminders of the orgy of pleasure on its banks. The protagonist mourns the pollution of the river water. As he sits on its banks fishing in the dull canal near the gas house, a cold wind blows. It brings to him the sound of the senseless laughter of London crowds who move about rattling like dried bones. Memories crowd in upon him, and he is reminded of bonnnivard in the prison of chillon in Byron’s famous poem, lamenting the loss of freedom on the banks of lakes leman; or the captive jews in the bible weeping by the river Babylon. Since he is the spokesman of humanity, one who has suffered all, one whose memories go to the remote past, the scene also reminds him of the brother of the fisher king, fishing for the regeneration of his brother and of Ferdinand, mourning the death of his father, the king. In the past water and fishing were the symbol of regeneration and transformation but today they have lost their spiritual significance. The poet now refers to another scene: fishing near the river. The poet tries to fish in the canal behind the gas house, where a rat creep near him. Instead of finding a fish, he comes across an ugly rat. This reminds him of the story of Ferdinand where the king was exiled by his brother who usurped his throne. The real king may be compared to a fish while the usurping king may be compared to a rat. Today the scene of the river bank is very depressing. White naked bodies can be seen on the buildings of the bank. They are disturbed by the rats to be found on the bank. Today the roads along the bank are full of motor cars; the hooting of the horns is a signal for Mrs. Porter to meet her lover Sweeney. The face of Mrs. Porter shines under the moon-light. She is accompanied by her daughter. They wash their feet not in the river water but in soda water. They are doing so not for their self purification but to make their flesh fairer to attract males. We find such is the degeneracy in the modern wasteland. If we read the poetry snake by D.H Lawrence we find water is essential for drinking purpose without it nobody can think of leave. Everyone in the past or in the present always talks about the preserving of water but in the modern wasteland it is used for making their skin fairer. They are wasting water. People do not bother about its purification. A snake came to my water-trough on a hot, hot day, I in pyjamas for the heat, to drink there. (Lawrence, 1) In the beginning lines of DH Lawrence poem, the water symbolizes as a drinking water. As we know that when water come into the mouth of snake it transforms in a poison. A snake comes to water trough in order to drink water. The poet finds himself in a queu in which he has second number before him a snake which come as guest. The poet watches the yellow brown soft bellied snake at his water trough. It is drinking softly through its gums silently. While the poet is watching the snake drinking water snake lifts his head and looks at the poet vaguely, flickers his two forked tongue from his lips, take pause a moment and then drink a little more. With the sound of music in his ears, Tiresias goes along the strand and queen Victoria Street, and reaches the lower end of Thames Street. This is the part of the city where the poor live. There he hears, coming out of a tavern, the sweet music of a mandolin, and the chanter of fishermen and sailors who are resting in the tavern. There stands the church of St. Magus Martyr, the interior decoration of which is highly praised by Eliot. However, this haunt of the poor is also not pure from sexual perversion and sin as is brought out by the songs of the three Thames daughters, i.e., these poor girls living on the banks of the river. First the three sing together and then separately. They bemoan the polluting of river water symbolized by the oozing out of oil and tar. The river which is river Thames, sweating oil and tar, symbolizes the modern commercial pollution of the waters of the river. In Mattew Arnold poem Dover Beach, he is obsessed with water. It is constantly referred throughout the poem. Water symbolism has been treated like a sadness, misery and tears. It is clear to the very outset of the poem when he says the sea is calm; the tide is full; the straits of Dover look bright in the light of the moon; the cliffs loom large in the bay; the sand seems white because of moonlight. The poet draws the attention of his beloved to the sound of waves which alternatively advance and withdraw, carrying away pebbles from the beach each time they withdraw and throwing them up against the beach each time they advance. The poet finds a note of sadness in this sound. He recalls that of the Greek dramatist Sophocles also interpreted the sound of sea waves as sad. Sophocles, on hearing it, was reminded of tragedy of human life. The poet then points out that once upon a time the sea of religious faith was full, but now doubt and disbelief have combined to throw back the waves of faith from the world, leaving the world barren and cheerless. He means that religion has lost its hold upon the minds of people who have now become skeptical. The world has now become barren and men live in the darkness of ignorance, carrying on aimless struggle. The sea is everywhere in the poem Dover beach. It shows in different places and in different forms, but we feel its power all over the place. In the section ‘Death by water’ we see symbol in title. Water is the traditional symbol of purification and regeneration, but in the modern land of desolation it has lost its functions and has become a source of destruction. This is so because man has become beastly, given to the pursuit of wealth and sensuous pleasures. It is very similar to the poetry of The River by A.K Ramanujan. He is not praising river like the other poet mostly do instead of it he shows the flood which kills the inhabitant of the villagers like one pregnant women, Gopi and Brinda etc. The poet much concerns about the damage which the flood annually does to the people. The phoenician sailor; phlebas was young, tall and handsome, but he was drowned because his life was a sordid round of business activity and pleasure without any spiritual motivation. He was caught in a whirlpool and passed the various stages of his age and youth. The reference is to the ritual immersion of the effigy of the vegetation god, orisis, who was supposed to pass the various stages of life in the reverse order. He is old when he is immersed in water, he is young as rises and falls on the waves, then a boy, and is finally reborn. But there is no rebirth for the Phoenician sailor or modern humanity because of their moral degradation. The remedy lies in their being guided by moral and spiritual principles. At present they turn the wheel of life themselves, i.e, lead a life uncontrolled by spiritual considerations. Complete secularization and rejection of the supernal is at the root of the contemporary decay and disintegration. The influence of symbols in Indian literature als o A.K Ramanujan is a very famous poet of modern era. He has written a poem A River in which he has discussed about the flood which destroys everything. Through the symbol of river he describes about the havoc which is spread by flood. Here, in this poem water is a symbol of disaster and destruction. Madurai is a city of temples and poets. The poets living in this city write poems about cities and temples. Their poems also contain accounts of how every summer a river flowing through Madurai is reduced to a narrow stream and how; soon afterwards, it is flooded with the water of rains. When it is reduced to a narrow stream, its water cannot pass through the Watergates because of the piles of straw and women’s hair which obstruct its flow. The bridges over the river are marked with many patches of repair. Those stones of the bridges, which become wet, begin glisten, while the dry stones retain their original dull colour. The poets merely write poems about the floods in this river. A visitor once happened to spend one day in Madurai when a flood in the river was imminent. He heard people everywhere talking about the level of the water rising quickly. The people talked about the water rising over the steps leading to the river, and the water rising on the bathing places. He also heard people talking about the flood waters sweeping away three village homes, one pregnant woman, and a couple of cows, almost every year. Sailors himself cannot save from drowning in to the water as same to the villagers of Madurai. Both the poets at some extent have similar thought in order to show the destructive power of water. Last section ‘what the thunder said’â€Å"Here is no water, but only rock†, the reference is to the journey of sir Percival or Parsifal, the quester, to the kingdom of the fisher king in search of the holy grail. The knight and his followers reach the mountain on the top of which is the chapel perilous in which is kept the lost grail. There have been no rains for a long time, and it is a scene of desolation and barrenness which meets their eyes. There is no water at all and the rocks are cracked. There are gaps as in the in the mouth of an old man. There is not even silence, for there is the unpleasant noise of the wind passing through dried grass, the desert insects singing with a jarring sound, and the sound of thunder without rain. As the searchers climb the hill and near the chapel, they have hallucinations. Red ghostly figures seem to look out at them from mud cracked houses and mock and jeer at them. Such has been the experience of all those who have searche d for truth and spiritual salvation. The path of spiritualism is difficult and those who follow it often have such hallucinations. The repeated cry of â€Å"water, water† brings out vivdly the intensity of the suffering they have to undergo. The poet turns his back on the dead land and sits fishing on the shore of the river, i.e. he makes efforts at his spiritual re-generation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of Mice and Men, which was written by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck, is a very clever and well thought out short novel. Steinbeck seemed to have a thing for the poor and struggling working class people of this country. His characters in this book are typical low class farm workers, yet they are very unique in their own ways. By the end of the book you feel for some of the characters while others you don?t give a damn about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The one character that drove the story in Of Mice and Men and made it an unforgettable book was Lennie. The other characters like George, Slim, and Curley didn?t really have anything special or unique about them. There was something special about Lennie though. Lennie is mentally handicapped to put it lightly. He has got some major screws loose upstairs. Through out the book Steinbeck shows Lennie?s low IQ by how this character only thinks about one thing, and that?s that he hope?s George will let him take care of the rabbits when they get their own place, which never happens. Lennie wasn?t just retarded, but he was physically very strong. Lennie was a big and powerful guy. Unfortunately Lennie didn?t know that he was strong or big. All he thought about was the rabbits. Curley?s hand was crushed easily and his wife was killed accidentally by the pure strength of this huge guy. That is why Lennie was the character that made this book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I think the one lesson John Steinbeck was most trying to get across in Of Mice and Men was that everyone needs somebody so they aren?t lonely. Other then George and Lennie, the other characters are all very lonely and are looking for someone or dreaming of something better. Crooks said it best; ? A guy goes nuts if he ain?t got nobody?. Crooks felt very alone all through out the book. No one liked him or talked to him because he was black. Curley showed he was lonely through his anger. He was always trying to pick a fight so others would pay attention to him. His wife would flirt with the other guys like Slim and Lennie because she was extremely lonely. Curley?s wife hated her husband, and was never given any attention by him. Being lonely is not a good thing and I think that is a lesson Mr.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Rawls And Utilitarianism :: Rawls Utilitarinism Philosophy Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The social contract theory of John Rawls challenges utilitarianism by pointing out the impracticality of the theory. Mainly, in a society of utilitarians, a citizens rights could be completely ignored if injustice to this one citizen would benefit the rest of society. Rawls believes that a social contract theory, similar those proposed by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, would be a more logical solution to the question of fairness in any government. Social contract theory in general and including the views of Rawls, is such that in a situation where a society is established of people who are self interested, rational, and equal, the rules of justice are established by what is mutually acceptable and agreed upon by all the people therein. This scenario of negotiating the laws of that society that will be commonly agreed upon and beneficial to all is what Rawls terms "The Original Position and Justification". Rawls states that for this system to work, all citizens must see themselves as being behind a "veil of ignorance". By this he means that all deciding parties in establishing the guidelines of justice (all citizens) must see themselves as equal to everyone paying no mind to there economic situation or anything else that they could keep in mind to negotiate a better situation to those qualities. For example, if everyone in this society has an equal amount of influence toward the establishing of specific laws, a rich man may propose that taxes should be equal for all rather than proportionate to ones assets. It is for this and similar situations that Rawls feels that everyone must become oblivious to themselves. Rawls believes that the foundational guideline agreed upon by the those in the original position will be composed of two parts. The first of these rules of justice being one that enforces equal rights and duties for all citizens and the later of the two one which regulates the powers and wealth of all citizens.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the conception of utilitarianism possessed by Rawls, an impartial spectator and ideal legislator are necessary components. The impartial spectator is one who rational and sensitive to all of the desires of society. The impartial spectator must feel these desires as if they were his own desires and by doing such, give each of them priority over other desires and organize them into one system from which the ideal legislator tries to maximize satisfaction for all citizens by manipulating and adjusting the policy for that society. By this theory of utilitarianism, Rawls argues that the decision making process is being integrated into one conscience and that this system